About Us
Versatech & Industrial Services Pte Ltd
VERSATECH & INDUSTRIAL SERVICES PTE LTD is a progressive growth-oriented company incorporated in 1998. Being a newly incorporated company, Versatech does not lack in technical expertise & experience to handle complex environmental engineering to fulfill its mission as 'the Symbol For Quality'. Its directors, being Marine Engineers by training and with more than twenty years of experience as Chief Engineer & Director of Engineering in Marine, Hotels, Ship-construction and Chemical Process Plant, have built on their desire to find a niche in this specialised field of engineering expertise to service both the building & industrial clients.

Key Cleaning Services
KEY CLEANING SERVICES, a service-oriented company recognised as the PIONEER in kitchen's exhaust ducts cleaning & servicing was set up in 1997 because of the expanded list of satisfied clients base and with the continue support in this field of speciality. Its proprietor being a marine engineer and ex-Chief Engineer of a hotel who had incorporated shipboard grease & sludge cleaning into hotel's kitchen exhaust ducts cleaning 16 years ago, was definitely a pioneer with extensive expertise and experience to solve you complex kitchen exhaust system.

Being an associate company of Versatech & Industrial Services Pte Ltd, the strength of KEY CLEANING SERVICES encompasses other cleaning companies with the technical expertise and a full backing from the associate company in Environmental Engineering.

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We will continue to strive to improve our responsiveness to the needs and concerns of our customers, employees and the communities in which we serve. This will be accomplished through the development of our employees and maintaining the good relationship with our customers, and emphasis on providing our customers with quality and value-added services, thus enhancing our profitability.

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Versatech & Industrial Services Pte Ltd
1. Design, Install, Replace, Repair and Maintain of
- ACMV System & Ductworks
- Industrial Process Plant & System
- Environmental & Fume Extraction System
2. Steel Fabrication & Outfitting Works
3. Technical Consultancy & Project Management for Chemical Process Plant Installation

Key Cleaning Services
1. Kitchen Exhaust Ducts Cleaning & Degreasing
2. Storage Tanks (Water, Chemical, Fuel Oil) Cleaning

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1. Building & construction Authority (BCA) — L1 Air-cond. Ref. Vent Works.
2. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE)

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  Copyright 2002 © Versatech & Industrial Services Pte Ltd